[Lecture Notes] CMU 17-514 Software Construction
Lec 2. Object-Oriented Basics
- Version 1
1 |
- Version 2
1 |
Version 1: Shorter
Version 2: Expandable.
TypeScript is a superset of JavaScript because it allows for gradual migration from JS to TS
- Design for Change (flexibility, extensibility, modifiability)
- Design for Division of Labor
- Design for Understandability
Java Primitives: int
, long
, byte
, short
, char
, float
, double
, boolean
. 注意没有string!
JavaScript Primitives: null
, undefined
, boolean
, number
, string
, symbol
, bigint
- Primitives are immutable, and passed by value
is a non-primitive type.
Subtype Polymorphism / Dynamic Dispatch
An interface describes the API/way to interact with an object. It does NOT provide the implementation.
There can be multiple implementations of one interface. Multiple implementations can coexist.
Java: Classes implicitly have Interfaces. Prefer interfaces over class types
例如:class PolarPoint implements Point
Dynamic dispatch (in both Java and JavaScript): 用父类指针指向子类对象,调用方法, method is decided at runtime
Java: Static methods are global functions, only single copy exists; class provides only namespace. Java does not allow global functions outside of classes. Java中Static函数就是全局函数(java不允许class外的全局函数),class只作为命名空间。
Dynamic dispatch的优点: Design for change
- A user of an object does not need to know the object’s implementation, only its interface. 用户不需要知道实现,只需要知道Interface
- All objects implementing the interface can be used interchangeably. 所有implement这个interface的Object可以互换使用
- Allows flexible change (modifications, extensions, reuse) later without changing the client implementation, even in unanticipated contexts. 方便修改和重构
Why multiple implementations
Different performance: Choose implementation that works best for your use
Different behavior:
- Choose implementation that does what you want
- Behavior must comply with interface spec (“contract”)
Often performance and behavior both vary: Provides a functionality – performance tradeoff. Example: HashSet, TreeSet
Encapsulation / Information hiding
Information hiding的优点
Decouples the objects that comprise a system: Allows them to be developed, tested, optimized, used, understood, and modified in isolation
Speeds up system development: Objects can be developed in parallel
Eases maintenance burden: Objects can be understood more quickly and debugged with little fear of harming other modules
Enables effective performance tuning: “Hot” classes can be optimized in isolation
Increases software reuse: Loosely-coupled classes often prove useful in other contexts
How to hide information?
- Java中使用
(注意interface method must bepublic
) - Declare variables using interface types, not class types
- client can use only interface methods. Fields and implementation-specific methods are not accessible from client code.
- JavaScript中使用闭包 closure, TypeScript中能直接private。
- JavaScript中使用Modules能 information hiding at file level.
Lec 3. Object-oriented Analysis
Problem Space (Domain Model) ----> Solution Space (Object model)
Problem Space (Domain Model) | Solution Space (Object Model) |
Real-world things | System Implementation |
Requirements, concepts | Classes, objects |
Relationships among concepts | References among objects and inheritance hierarchies |
Solving a problem | Computing a result |
Building a vocabulary | Finding a solution |
Domain Models
Object-Oriented Analysis: understanding the problem
domain model
find key concepts in the problem domain
- 找名词、动词、和concepts之间的relationships。避开不明确的词例如system。
using UML (Unified Modeling Language) class diagrams as informal notation
- Identify and define key concepts. Ensure shared understanding between developers and customers.
- 例如: “Library Item: Any item that is indexed and can be borrowed from library.” 这句话对于可能有歧义的concepts给出了明确定义。
system sequence diagram: a model that shows, for one usage scenario, sequence of events that occur on the system’s boundary.
system behavioral contracts
OO Design: Defining a solution
- object interaction diagrams
- object model
Domain Model长这样
- 空心菱形:aggregation 聚合关系,例如:
班级 ◇--- 学生
(学生可以存在于班级之外) - 实心菱形:composition 组合关系,例如:
人 ♦--- 心脏
(心脏不能离开人体独立存在) - 三角形:inheritance/generalization 继承/泛化关系,例如:
狗 ---△ 动物

UML Sequence Diagram 长这样

Behavioural Contract 长这样

完成了Domain Model, System Sequence Diagram 和 Behavioural Contract 之后,就是从Problem Space到Solution Space的转换。希望能low representational gap
Lec 4. Responsibility Assignment
Problem Space (Domain model) —> Solution Space (Object model)
Representational gap
Design Principle
Low representational gap
Domain concepts provide inspiration for software classes.
Classes for domain concepts intuitive to understand, rarely change.
为什么要low representational gap? 你可以建立一个class LibrarySystem然后把所有东西放在单个巨大的class里,但是这样不好做后续修改(我们需要 design for change)
- facilitates understanding of design and implementation
- facilitates traceability from problem to solution
- facilitates evolution (design for change)
Low coupling
A model should depend on as few other modules as possible
Enhances understanability
Reduce the cost of change (如果每个module最多只和另外两个module有关系,那么改变module时最多只需要修改两个module,不需要牵一发而动全身)
Enhances reuse (fewer dependencies, easier to adapt to a new context)
A related design heuristic: law of demeter: each module should have only limited knowledge about other units
is a bad practice !!! This means you are not distributing knowledge correctly !!!Prefer coupling to interfaces over coupling to implementations (interface相比implementation改变得更少)
High cohesion (or single-responsibility principle)
Each component should have a small set of closely-related responsibilities
- facilitates understandability
- facilitates reuse
- eases maintenance
Coupling vs Cohesion
把所有代码写在一个class里:very low coupling, but very low cohesion.
把每个模块都分开来:very high cohesion, but very high coupling.
Find a good tradeoff!
Lec 5. Inheritance and Delegation
Java中class的继承关系,所有class都继承自 class Object
Java编译期判断which class to look in, method signature to be executed,运行时判断class的动态类型,对于动态class判断到底执行哪个method。
Inheritance vs Subtyping
class A extends B
class A implements B
,class A extends B
Lec 6. Design Patterns
“Each pattern describes a problem which occurs over and over again in our environment, and then describes the core of the solution to that problem, in such a way that you can use this solution a million times over, without ever doing it the same way twice.”
Design pattern是针对软件开发中反复出现的问题,总结出可复用、灵活解决方案的一种经验方法
Strategy Pattern
Problem: Clients need different variants of an algorithm
Solution: Create an interface for the algorithm, with an implementing class for each variant of the algorithm
- Easily extensible for new algorithm implementations.
- Separates algorithm from client context
- Introduces an extra interface and many classes: (1) code can be harder to understand, (2) lots of overhead if the strategies are simple.

Template Method Design Pattern
When an algorithm consists of varying and invariant parts that must be customized
When common behavior in subclasses should be factored and localized to avoid code duplication
To control subclass extensions to specific operations
Code reuse
Inverted “Hollywood” control: don’t call us, we’ll call you
Ensures the invariant parts of the algorithm are not changed by subclasses
Abstract class 抽象类,指一个class有些方法implement了有些方法没有implement
Template Method vs Strategy Pattern
- Template method uses inheritance to vary part of an algorithm
- Strategy pattern uses delegation to vary the entire algorithm
Inheritance vs. Composition + Delegation
Inheritance can enable substantial reuse when strong coupling is reasonable
- Sometimes a natural fit for reuse – look for “is-a” relationships.
- Does not mean “no delegation”
That said, good design typically favors composition + delegation
Enables reuse, encapsulation by programming against interfaces
Delegation supports information hiding; inheritance violates it
Usually results in more testable code.
Composition facilitates adding multiple behaviors, much less messily than multiple inheritance.
Composite Design Pattern
You want to represent part-whole hierarchies of objects
You want to be able to ignore the difference between compositions of objects and individual objects
Makes the client simple, since it can treat objects and composites uniformly
Makes it easy to add new kinds of components
Can make the design overly general
Operations may not make sense on every class
Composites may contain only certain components
Module Pattern
Hide internals in closure
Lec 7. Design Practice
One more pattern called decorator pattern.
Decorator Pattern
e.g. 需要写一个Stack
, SecureStack / LockedStack
(需要密码才能读stack), SynchronizedStack
, SynchronizedUndoStack
, SecureSynchronizedStack
等等 (arbritrarily composable extensions)
Decorator Pattern: add functionality at runtime
Decorator Pattern is good if you want to arbitrarily combine/add features to a class.

Problem: Responsibilities should be added to an object dynamically at runtime.
Solution: Defines a Decorator object that implements the interface of an extended object, optionally performing additional functionality before/after forwarding the request.
- Applicability
- add responsibilities to individual objects dynamically and transparently
- for responsibilities that can be withdrawn
- when extension by subclassing is impractical
- Consequences
- more flexible than static inheritance
- avoids large classes in the hierarchy
- lots of little objects